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The Write Practice

The Write Practice, Joe Bunting, and Sarah Gribble are the reasons I was able to write a 90,000-word novel in just 100 days thanks to their How to Write a Book in 100 Days course.

These people are great to work with and Sarah has been my personal mentor for the past 2 years. Included is a writing community where you post your writing each week and give and get feedback critiques from people just like you around the world to interact with. All this along with hours and hours of daily lessons, live webinars with Q&A, book planning tools, and lots more. I crushed the course and can now unapologetically say, I am a writer. Priceless.

And, there are lots of free tools, resources, and live webinars that you can take advantage of FREE if you just want to work on your own and take some of the best of what they offer. Just sign up for their email list.

If you are a writer and need some help finishing or publishing your book or books, or want to be a writer (that was me) and just need a support structure to help you realize that dream, these are the people — The Write Practice.

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